Michael Jackson is an interdisciplinary artist immersed in journalism, photography, fine art printmaking, music performance and composition.
He studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he was awarded the James Nelson Raymond fellowship prize.
Continuing work started in London UK as jazz editor for the Guardian, Telegraph and Evening Standard, he has been a regular correspondent for New City, Downbeat, The Chicago Sun-Times and Jazzwise (UK) among other publications.
A member of the Chicago Photography Collective, his prolific photo work has been widely published and exhibited; he was nominated for the Lona Foote-Bob Parent Photography Award for career excellence by the international Jazz Journalists Association in 2011, 2012, 2016 and was the recipient of the award in 2018. Shortlisted for a Lisagor Award (2022) for his work for the Chicago Reader, he was a finalist for the JJA's Photo of The Year 2024, and is a regular contributor to the New York Times. Jackson also co-produces the Chicago chapter of the cultural forum Pecha Kucha.
Also a saxophonist, Jackson leads the eclectic Mike's Magik Band. His latest recording "The Gal from Ochi" features 18 Chicago musicians under the banner "Head, Heart & Tails."
Active as an educator, he has taught at SAIC, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and Evanston Art Center among other institutions.
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